Multi-pin connector, instrument panel
Attention: To check the multi-pin connector on the printed circuit board, you only need to remove the device on the left, the instrument panel itself can not be removed.
1 - outdoor air temperature sensor, ground *
2 - not used
3 - terminal 31, ground *
4 - drive switch for MFA (Reset - cancel) *
5 - terminal 31, ground *
6 - drive switch for MFA (Memory) *
7 - speed signal from a Hall sensor or an inductive sensor
8 - hydraulic switch 1.8 bar
9 - hydraulic switch
10 - terminal 1 / terminal W
11 - terminal 30, positive
12 - terminal 58b, lighting
13 - terminal 15
14 - not used
15 - call button for MFA (Mode) *
16 - terminal 61
17 - oil temperature sensor *
18 - signaling device for dual-circuit and manual brake system / signaling device for the state of the seat belt
19 - outdoor temperature sensor, signal
20 - signaling device for heating up glow plugs
21 - fuel gauge
22 - car self-diagnosis signaling device
23 - coolant temperature gauge
24 - direction indicator signaling device
25 - high beam signaling device
26 - not used
27 - no terminal
28 - no terminal
*) only for universal indicating instrument (MFA)
Block of signaling devices left
Attention: When installing the LEDs, be sure to observe the polarity.
1 - not used
2 - signaling device (red) oil pressure LED
3 - signaling device (blue) high beam, incandescent lamp
4 - signaling device (green) turn signal, LED
Block of signaling devices, right
Attention: When installing the LEDs, be sure to observe the polarity.
1 - signaling device (red) brake control, LED indicator (red) seat belt status, LED
2 - signaling device (red) alternator, LED
3 - signaling device (yellow) glow plug control, LED
4 - - car self-diagnosis signaling device
Multi-pin plug connector for fuel, temperature and low coolant gauges
1 - not used
2 - fuel gauge sensor
3 — the gauge of the index of temperature of a cooling liquid
4 - terminal 15
5 - not used
6 - not used
7 - terminal 31, ground
8 - output voltage of the voltage regulator, 9.5-10.5 V
Multi-pin connector for tachometer and oil pressure indicator control unit
1 - terminal 1 / terminal W
2 - terminal 31, ground
3 - oil pressure indicator
4 - terminal 15
5 - tachometer output signal
6 - not used
7 - hydraulic switch 1.8 bar / 1.4 bar
8 - hydraulic switch 0.3 bar
Multi-pin analog clock plug
1 - terminal 30, positive
2 - terminal 31, ground
Multi-pin digital clock plug
1 - terminal 15 (for MFA)
2 - terminal 58b, lighting
3 - terminal 30, positive
4 - terminal 31, ground
Multi-pin connector for universal indicating instrument
1 - call button for MFA (Mode - mode)
2 - oil temperature sensor
3 - outdoor temperature sensor, signal
4 - terminal 15
5 - not used
6 - outdoor temperature sensor, weight
7 - not used
8 - terminal 31, ground for MFA
9 - call button for MFA (Reset - cancel)
10 - not used
11 - call button for MFA (memory)
12 - speed signal from the Hall sensor
13 - not used
14 - not used
15 - speed signal from the tachometer
16 - not used
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