Engines ADZ, AFT, 1F
1. Disconnect the high voltage wires from the spark plugs and remove the spark plugs with a spark plug wrench. Check and replace damaged spark plugs. Screw in the spark plugs and connect the high voltage wires.
2. Disconnect the intake air heating tube (arrow) from exhaust manifold (pic. 2.12).
3. Loosen the screws (arrows) and remove the air filter assembly (pic. 2.13).
4. Disconnect the high voltage wires from the spark plugs and remove the spark plugs using a 3122 V spark plug wrench (pic. 2.14).
5. Installation is carried out in the reverse order of removal.
AEN, AKL, APF, AUR engines
6. Remove plugs (arrows) from cover A of the engine with a screwdriver (pic. 2.15).
7. Loosen the fixing nuts (arrows) and remove engine cover A (pic. 2.16).
8. Remove the plugs from the second engine cover and unscrew the fixing nuts (arrows) and remove the cover (pic. 2.17).
9. Disconnect high voltage wires (arrows) from spark plugs using the key T10029 (pic. 2.18). Outside Arrows (left and right) towards the spark plugs not shown.
10. Remove the spark plugs with a 3122 V wrench (arrow) for spark plugs (pic. 2.19).
11. Installation is carried out in the reverse order of removal.
Engines AKK, ANW, AUD
12. Remove the plugs 1 and unscrew the screws underneath (pic. 2.20). Disconnect high-voltage wires 2 from the case of the air filter. Disconnect the collar 3 with the help of pliers and disconnect the branch pipe. Disconnect the crankcase ventilation tube to the left of the air filter. Remove the air filter.
13. Remove the spark plugs with a 3122 V spark plug wrench (pic. 2.21).
14. Installation is carried out in the reverse order of removal.
APE, AQQ, AUA engines
15. Remove the bolts (arrows) engine cover mounts (pic. 2.22).
16. Unscrew the cover 1 of the oil filler neck (pic. 2.23). Disconnect high-voltage wires 2 from cover 3 and remove the cover.
17. Remove the spark plugs with a 3122 V spark plug wrench (pic. 2.24).
18. Installation is carried out in the reverse order of removal.
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