General information about electrical equipment Along with the function of supplying current to the starter when starting the engine, the battery acts as a smoothing filter and a source of electricity for the entire vehicle...
Types of batteries Low maintenance batteries Low-maintenance batteries with liquid electrolyte. These rechargeable batteries can be recognized by the corks that come out of the cans. Acid battery...
Checking the battery Visual check Be sure to check the external condition, conclusions and reliability of fastening of the battery before measurements. CAUTION: If the battery is not secured properly,...
Adding distilled water to the battery CAUTION: Adding undistilled water or electrolyte will damage the battery. Top up with distilled water only. If the cans are overfilled, the battery may be damaged. To top up, use...
Electrolyte Density Check Check the electrolyte level in the battery. Switch off the ignition and all electrical consumers. If available, remove the protective film from the corks of the cans. Unscrew the...
Checking the open circuit voltage of the battery Checking the open circuit voltage of the battery is necessary to determine its capacity. NOTE: Before testing, the battery must not be discharged or charged for at least 2 hours....