1. If the clutch cable is to be installed again, the adjusting mechanism must be compressed and held in a compressed position with a locking band. For this purpose, if available, a locking belt is used, with which the adjusting device, before installing the cable, is fixed in a compressed position. Only the ear of the locking belt is cut (arrow).
2. Depress the clutch pedal several times until it stops.
3. Put on the ear of the retaining belt (arrow) above the protective cover.
4. Remove the clutch cable from the retaining bracket.
5. Remove the clutch cable from the plastic connection (1) rubber buffer as far as it will go in the direction (2). Thus, the adjusting mechanism will be compressed.
Attention! If the cable cannot be pulled out to this position, then the adjusting mechanism is faulty. In this case, bite the cable with pliers and remove the nipple from the mount.
6. In this position, put the loops of the locking belt on the pins (arrows) on both sides of the adjustment mechanism. This requires an assistant.
7. Remove the cable from the release lever.
8. Remove the cable from the clutch pedal inside the car.
9. Remove the rubber buffer from the support on the gearbox and remove the cable.
1. Always replace the clutch cable together with the adjusting mechanism. The adjustment mechanism of the new cables is compressed by a locking tape.
Attention! Do not bend the clutch cable, otherwise the operation of the adjusting mechanism may be impaired.
2. Put the cable on the release lever.
3. Insert the rubber buffer into the cable guide on the gearbox.
4. Insert the cable into the front wall and put on the clutch pedal.
5. Insert the cable into the guide of the support bracket.
6. Remove the locking belt from the adjusting mechanism and check the clutch drive.
1. Press the clutch pedal at least 5 times until it stops.
2. Pull the braid of the clutch cable of the plastic connection (1) about 10 mm in the direction (2) - cm. higher. The braid must move freely.
3. If the operation test is to be carried out several times, the clutch pedal must first be depressed each time, since the adjusting mechanism is locked after each test and therefore cannot be compressed.
Attention! Do not open the automatic adjustment housing as it cannot be reassembled.
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